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Ningbo Elastech Co., Ltd. focus on exploration, manufacturing and marketing of elastic electronic components and wearable smart system. Experts of diverse fields like Material Science, Electronics and Mechanics work together to produce high quality elastic products. In 2018, we have received the first prize of Ningbo Youth Promotion Association Entrepreneurship Competition.
Ningbo Elastech Co., Ltd. make common electronic components elastic and stretchy, so that devices keep functioning when bended, twisted or even stretched. Such devices can be applied to many fields like Industrial robotics, Human-machine interaction, Sports, and Health care applications.
Ningbo Elastech Co., Ltd. depends on Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, CAS and Key Laboratory of Magnetic Materials and Devices, CAS. Company manufactures various elastic electronic components such as highly conductive elastic wires, low voltage quick heaters, highly precise strain sensors, and human-machine interaction devices. 